terms and conditions

North Shore Consulting Ltd

Here you will find all the terms and conditions for using North Shore Consulting Ltd.

1.1 This Agreement is a legal document which sets out your rights and obligations, and those of North Shore Consulting Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales under the company registration number 14368350

1.2 By using North Shore Consulting Ltd services, you agree to the terms of this Agreement, and you confirm that agreement every time you use our services either online, on the phone, or in person.

1.3 Registered Clients should be aware that this Agreement may vary from time to time without notice.

1.4 Any advice within a Consultation Session resulting through the use of, or as a direct result of North Shore Consulting Ltd, by our consultants is also bound by this agreement.

2.1. You undertake to register with North Shore Consulting Ltd using relevant personal information – including your name, address, email address and phone number. In addition to this, you may be invited to share other details as may be relied upon in providing advice and services to you.

2.2 As part of the registration process with North Shore Consulting Ltd, you will receive a verification email; the purpose of which, is to take reasonable steps to ensure that the email address you have supplied during registration is controlled by you.

2.3 As part of the registration you will be asked to provide details of how you intend to make payments to North Shore Consulting Ltd. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure they are able to make payments in an accepted currency and by an accepted means. North Shore Consulting Ltd will make every effort to accommodate various payment methods.

2.4 Registrations can be made with relative anonymity if required. Clients must contact us to discuss how our services can be retained with anonymity before a registration is made. There are multiple ways North Shore Consulting Ltd can help keep your registration and payment private but we cannot be liable for the anonymity of a client if this is not discussed before registration.

North Shore Consulting Ltd Privacy Policy forms part of this Agreement, and by agreeing to this Agreement, you also give your consent to the way we may handle your personal information in that policy.

4.1 Once registered as a client of North Shore Consulting Ltd you may choose to book appointments with our consultants for services that are within the scope of those provided by the company and the individual consultant. In all instances bookings can only be completed if a payment is made in advance.

4.2 Bookings can be requested by email, by telephone, or in person during a consultation. The acceptance of this appointment is at the discretion of North Shore Consulting Ltd. North Shore Consulting Ltd is under no obligation to accept a booking that has been requested.

4.3 If a booking is accepted, the client will be sent a request for payment along with a confirmation of the day, time, and location of the booking. The booking will only be confirmed once a payment has been made in full.

4.4 If the booking is a face to face appointment, an agreement will be reached for the location of the appointment. This must be agreed by both parties at the time of making the booking. If the booking is paid and confirmed, this forms an acceptance of the location as well as the day and time. North Shore Consulting Ltd does not accept liability for missed appointments due to confusion over the location on the client’s part.

4.3 Every effort will be made to honour a booking request on the date and time that is requested. If this is not possible, reasonable effort will be made to find a suitable alternative at the time of booking. North Shore Consulting Ltd will offer alternatives for which the client is invited to choose. If no choice is made at the time of booking North Shore Consulting Ltd will invite the client to rebook at a later date when alternative dates can be proposed by the client.

4.4 Out of hours or emergency appointments may be available on request but are not guaranteed. North Shore Consulting Ltd is under no obligation to attend an out of hours or emergency appointment if the company is unable to do so. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate the needs of the client in this circumstance. Clients who regularly require out of hours or last minute emergency appointments may be asked, at the discretion of North Shore Consulting Ltd to make payments in advance to cover this type of service. North Shore Consulting Ltd reserves the right to refuse emergency or out of hours appointments at its sole discretion. Requests for emergency appointments that are deemed by the company or the consultant to be false may be cancelled without notice.

5.1 North Shore Consulting Ltd requires that all bookings are paid for in advance and in full; only then will the booking be entered into the diary of the consultant.

5.2 If a client wishes to rearrange an appointment, sufficient time must be given. The company requires requests to rearrange to be made at least 48 hours before the appointment is due to start. North Shore Consulting reserves the right to charge for appointments rearranged at the last minute.

5.3 If the client wishes to cancel an appointment and postpone for a later date, the payment that has been made at the time of booking can be used as a credit for the rearrangement of the appointment. Provided the request is made more than 48 hours before the appointment start time, the credit will stay on the client’s account for a period of 6 months. After this period, the credit will be lost.

5.4 If the client wishes to cancel an appointment, and receive a refund, this request must be made in writing at least 5 working days before the appointment is due to start. All refunds for cancelled booking will be subject to administrative charges to cover any banking fees or surcharges incurred in the process of actioning a refund. This will depend on the original method of payment. No additional fees will be charged by North Shore Consulting Ltd for cancelations made in sufficient time.

5.5 If the client has booked and paid for multiple appointments but has not confirmed the dates of all of those appointments; it is agreed, as part of this contract that clients will have concluded all of the booked appointments no more than 180 days after the initial date of booking.

5.6 If a client is late for, or fails to attend the appointment that has been booked, no refund will be given. The consultant could, at their individual discretion, over run the appointment if it has started late. Because of the company schedule, it may not be possible to do so. North Shore Consulting Ltd is under no obligation to give partial refunds for missed time as a result of late commencement of an appointment. It is suggested that clients arrive ten minutes before the appointment start time so that no consultation time is lost during the appointment.

5.7 If an appointment is to be conducted online it is the responsibility of the client to ensure they have the appropriate software installed, functioning, and a working internet connection. If there are technical issues that prevent an appointment from being conducted, North Shore Consulting Ltd reserves the right to charge the client for that appointment. The consultant may, at their sole discretion, extend or accommodate extra time needed to compensate for technical issues but this cannot be guaranteed.

6.1 All Payments for services must be paid in advance and no booking will be accepted until a payment has been made in full.

6.2 Fees for consultation services will be explained clearly online and at the time of booking. Fees vary depending on the consultation required and the consultant you wish to meet with.

6.3 Fees may be charged by hour or by service; for example it may be the case that the particular service requested will require a minimum number of hours or sessions and in that instance the fees will be calculated accordingly.

6.4 It is the responsibly of the client to ensure payments are made in the appropriate currency and to the correct value. The client bares all of their charges associated with banking or transfers and it is the responsibility of the client to ensure the correct funds have cleared before a booking can be confirmed.

6.5 North Shore Consulting Ltd will assist as far as reasonable to ensure a suitable payment method is available. Clients should discuss any queries relating to payments in advance of making a booking request.

6.6 Bookings that are made for multiple sessions over multiple days require full payment to be locked in the diary and cannot be split into multiple, smaller payments. Only those sessions that are paid in full will be committed to by North Shore Consulting Ltd and the consultant. North Shore Consulting Ltd may, at its sole discretion, allow split payments for multiple appointments but this is not guaranteed.

6.7 You acknowledge that North Shore Consulting Ltd are entitled to alter the amount or the basis of the calculation of our fees from time to time, provided that such amount or basis is clearly stated at the time when you agree to take the relevant consultation.

7.1. While North Shore Consulting Ltd will make reasonable efforts to provide services online, We will not be liable for any failure to provide the service or any part of the service for any cause that is beyond our reasonable control including, in particular, any suspension of the online service resulting from maintenance and upgrades to our systems or those of any other party used to provide the service.

7.2 We reserve the right to withdraw or modify one or more aspects of the North Shore Consulting Ltd service where we have legal or technical reasons to do so (including technical difficulties experienced by North Shore Consulting Ltd or on the Internet). There may also be times when North Shore Consulting Ltd becomes unavailable, whether on a scheduled or unscheduled basis.

7.3 We may, where we consider it appropriate, for your or our protection, suspend, withdraw, or restrict the use of North Shore Consulting Ltd or any part of the Service. We will tell you as soon as practicable if we take such action. We may also end the operation of the North Shore Consulting Ltd service at any time by giving you reasonable notice.

7.4 For security or other reasons, we may require you to change your security details which facilitates access to North Shore Consulting Ltd.

7.5 Available information is constantly changing and the way the internet and your computer works, may mean you do not always receive the latest version, or a complete version, of our website. Whilst we do everything we can to bring you the trustworthy and reliable information we cannot give an absolute guarantee that every piece of information on our website is true, accurate or up to date at all times.

We reserve the right:

  • To suspend or terminate any client’s access to North Shore Consulting Ltd or parts of it, and/or

  • Any person whose access has been suspended or terminated must not re-register for, consultations with North Shore Consulting Ltd without our written prior consent.

North Shore Consulting Ltd are committed to maintaining a working environment free from Violence, abuse and harassment of its consultants. Harassment is defined as a “course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome”, that denies individual dignity and respect on the basis of the grounds such as gender, disability, race, colour, sexual orientation. Abuse and violence may take many forms including verbal, physical, or visual. It may involve a threat, or an implied threat. Acts of harassment, abuse, or violence will not be tolerated in


any form towards North Shore Consulting Ltd staff. North Shore Consulting Ltd reserves the right to terminate with immediate effect any appointment or conversation with a client if this behaviour is witnessed.

You are responsible for ensuring that no material you post, or which is posted through a computer or device on which you access North Shore Consulting, nor any activity or communication you make in connection with any North Shore Consulting Ltd Service, will be capable of

  • infringing the intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity,

  • breaching any applicable law, whether criminal, tortious or otherwise, or

  • Appearing to be offensive, threatening, obscene, pornographic, false, unreliable

    or misleading.

11.1 We will not be liable to you or any third party for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, or for any loss of data, profit, revenue or business, howsoever caused (whether arising out of any negligence or breach of this Agreement or otherwise). North Shore Consulting Ltd will also not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement caused by matters beyond its reasonable control.

12.1 By retaining North Shore Consulting services the Company is released from liability or claims that could be made against the Company concerning mental and/or physical well-being during the work that has been outlined and agreed upon.

12.2 Services provided by North Shore Consulting are not intended to take the place of medical care and should not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your healthcare provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.

Without limiting the preceding clause, North Shore Consulting Ltd’s minimum liability whether arising from negligence, breach of this agreement, or otherwise, will not, under any circumstances exceed an amount equal to the sums paid by you to the company by way of any fees for an individual appointment, regardless of the cause or form of action. The total liability limit is not an aggregate of services and fees paid during your engagement with the company.

14.1 Nothing in this Agreement limits North Shore Consulting Ltd’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence, or any other liability which may not by law be excluded. Any statutory rights you may have as a consumer remain unaffected.

14.2 You agree to indemnify us against all liabilities, claims and expenses that may arise from any breach of this Agreement by you or through a machine on which you access North Shore Consulting Ltd.

This Agreement includes our Privacy Policy and other Terms and Conditions made clear on North Shore Consulting Ltd website. Together, they contain the whole of the agreement between North Shore Consulting Ltd and you and they replace all earlier agreements and understandings with you.

16.1 North Shore Consulting Ltd reserves the right to change this Agreement from time to time, and post the new version on the North Shore Consulting website. When we do so, it remains your responsibility to ensure you have viewed the most recent update to this page, and the new version of these Terms and Conditions.

16.2 If you do not wish to be governed by the new version of the Agreement, you may notify us on or before the date when the new version of the Agreement is to take effect, and from that date we will close your account with North Shore Consulting Ltd

In the event that any term of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by judicial decree or decision, the remainder of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.

You may terminate this Agreement by notifying us. The notification will not be effective until we have received it and provided confirmation of receipt to you.

You can contact us by email at the addresses shown on our main contact us page. Please ensure you include your full name and contact details in all correspondence.

North Shore Consulting Ltd is registered at:

North Shore Consulting Limited, 59 Abbeygate Street,
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk

IP33 1LB
United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 14368350